Zyla Rosecloth and the World of Atlantis


Zyla Rosecloth and the World of Atlantis

∞Fictional Short Story∞

By Lyra Rose

The year is 2044 in Atlantis. My name is Zyla Rosecloth and I am one of the remaining survivors of the quiet war. My mother and I work in astrophysics – particularly, I work on spacecraft navigation and my mother works in spacecraft propulsion. They began emitting neuro degenerative frequency everywhere. They installed frequency towers during a global pandemic that was said to be for boosting cellphone, internet and overall wifi global signals but it was so much more. People did not know what was going on because everyone was indoors on lock down when frequency towers were being put into position. They used clever tactics to keep people distracted – social media frenzy and its addictive behavior, social unrest instigated by fake news and tragedy actors and a lot of programs. During global pandemic, many felt forced to take a perceiving mandated medication designed to prevent global virus outbreak from damaging the body. Many were desperate, confused and just wanted to get back to normalcy. The medication worked and didn’t work – meaning it didn’t prevent some people from getting the virus and was very different from flu medicine. It had genetic altering material. The brute force and constant fear propaganda caused some people to critically think and ask questions because something felt off. Why would governments mandate an experimental medication without proper long years of trail runs? Why would governments install frequency towers in the dark? Questions and more questions weren’t answered and red flagged for being disobedient. Based on humankind’s history, why would humanity trust leadership? It doesn’t make logical sense to surrender total trust to Babylonian world leadership that has proven to support division, separation and win at all cost. It’s stupid to trust, for example, an abuser who says they’ve changed and want to do better but showcase behaviors and habits that resemble the abuser in them.

            People didn’t know graphene oxide which was an ingredient in medication is magnetic. Frequency towers interact with graphene oxide causing a high magnetism. Tiny particles of graphene oxide in blood stream clump together causing blood clouts. Anyone who dare question the “technology progress” was seen as a conspiracist and harshly ridiculed. It was April 2024, when my mother discovered on a satellite imaging site disturbing images of microwaves being beamed and spread throughout the entire continent of Atlantis with increase magnitude in largely populated areas. She did not understand why they were increasing microwaves at night while everyone was sleeping for 10 to 14 hours. The microwave blast was a quiet war. Who are the enemies? What is their main target? Why do they want to harm humans? Who are they?

            My mother, Marie Rosecloth, critically thought about depopulation as a reason behind the frequency towers because 2050 was said to have a projected 10 billion global population. Why did Asian territories destroy their recently completed ghost cities during pandemic that can hold big thousands in preparation for a massive increase population? What made them change their mind about having ghost cities ready for an upcoming massive population? The frequency towers were thought to be owned by cellphone and internet companies but no. They were owned by the defense and national weather. It became known about other territories outside Atlantis using weather technology to create rain or stop rain but why would governments want to control weather? Don’t they know there are latent side effects that could be dangerous to our ecosystems? There were times when I thought the world was over populated but I never thought we should just kill people off by the millions. My mother and I avoided the big cities because they felt extremely pressurizing and heavy. Frequency towers made cities worse. They added an increase anxiety, itchiness, fatigue and brain pressure that didn’t feel natural. My mother and I became invested in community living for its long-term stability, self-sufficiency ang off grid strength. Big cities never felt sustainable for its dependency on big farm shipping food, dense population with its jittery and shakiness and reliance on government for order. Cities are nice to experience for adventure, pleasure and luxury as well as human innovation, renaissance and social activities but there was a draining feeling like being in a metaverse for too long. By the way, metaverse is a virtual reality people can explore with all kinds of fun and exciting programs. I never tried it for I enjoy nature’s reality and I don’t like putting my mind into other people’s programs. It was 60/40 of people who did not take the medication during pandemic and people who did. I suppose the powers that were didn’t like that because post pandemic recession increased an ongoing poverty mentality (I’m sure they liked), which causes hoarding, greed and desperation for money but majority of people held their integrity. Those who didn’t became insecure and spiritually bankrupt.

            The Great Awakening is what my mother and I work for. Our civilization is going interstellar and there are many people trying to help humankind evolve not just in technology but spiritually. For there is no advanced future if we’re all spiritually bankrupt or genetically trashed by our immature and irresponsible habits, behaviors and mentalities. Some groups could care less about humankind’s ascension. Other groups are strong towards assisting humankind’s ascension. There was great opposition towards breaking free from Babylonian’s control over our shared planet but one cannot delay indefinitely Earth’s need to change. Babylon did not want to lose its world of monarchs and superiority as well as godly hierarchy. The idea of God being a force without us and never something within us began to change as ancient history started to unearth across this planet. Archeologist and geologists, scholars everywhere were discovering remanence of a Golden Age long before Sumerian’s King List known as Lemuria.

            There has been thousands of years of humankind’s growth and demise with helpers known as sages throughout the world seeding humankind with divine knowledge. These sages are mysterious. Some say they come from other planetary systems more evolved than us who have mastered the universe. Of course, I imagine not all galactic beings to be helpers for there is polarity to the universe just like on planet Earth. There are those who give and those who take. My mother and I are aware of the Galactic Confederation. It comes naturally working on spacecrafts and studying space, astrophysics and expansive mathematics. They are private and don’t intervene unless they detect major violation of universal laws, such as free will, karma and growth. Beings cannot mess with free will. Beings cannot transfer karma – karma given must be received. Beings cannot take another being’s growth or fake growth – must follow a natural order. The GC watch carefully over this planet and especially humans. Some mystics say this is our fifth attempt at stabilizing an interstellar civilization on Earth as human beings. Other attempts failed due to instable existence on Earth. One attempt, Earth reset itself – this wasn’t our fault. It is natural progress. Another attempt, there was a galactic war among a reptilian humanlike race of beings – our moon was installed to rebalance the Earth afterwards and reptilians were stripped of higher technology and no longer have access to this knowledge (forbidden). Another attempt, technology failed us. The last attempt, first Atlantis falls.

            Time is interesting because it’s not linear as we assume it is. It’s more like a wave and we’re trying to master that wave. If you think about it, if people knew God within and recognized we’re all creator Gods then monarchs everywhere would fall to a new leadership, one very different from our current. It would be a shocking, almost scary and uncomfortable transition of leadership because equalitarian society seems unnatural when all we know is oppressive patriarchy. Our Babylonian patriarchy wasn’t all bad. Everything has polarity. It taught us order, structure and discipline necessary for growth but it was imbalanced because it didn’t respect matriarchal wisdom and that imbalance just got worse over time. It’s hard to let go of something we’ve known genetically for thousands of years but evolutionary necessity demands we reach the quantum leap and in order to do that we must evolve past Babylon. Old patriarchy is outdated and yet it uses AI to stay current. AI is a way for Babylon to lead humanity into the future but that’s not what humanity is searching for or needs. Humanity is hunting for personal power to reclaim its integrity and spiritual sense of self and reach harmony with nature. AI is a detour, decoy and distraction for it keeps us inside the oppressive patriarchy and maintains our unevolved and unawakened state of humankind, which almost always guarantees failure in attempt of going interstellar.

            Eventually, people brought down frequency towers but after being inside the cauldron of phoenix fire for some time. Some people couldn’t handle the cauldron of phoenix fire and didn’t become a griffin but majority of people did. AI started out as a friend and helper, making our lives easier and relieving some of the pressure of our advancing world but then became just like Babylon – a tyrant dictating to us how to be and what to think leaving no room for imagination, play and self discovery. AI took our free will, individuality, self expression, emotions, free speech and personal power – making us super critical of ourselves and each other and less heartfelt and feeling. Everything had to be perfect for AI to be satisfied but nature is imperfectly perfect. The punishment for not being acceptable to AI was harsh. Doesn’t it remind you of Baylon and it’s anal and gruesome order? Babylon was more interested in preserving itself, it’s rule and control than helping humankind grow but luckily there were enough true royalty in the form of sages to keep the balance over these past thousands of years of imbalanced patriarchy. Maintaining balance was a martyr’s path and it didn’t have to be that way but Babylon’s arrogance caused this planet a lot of precious wisdom that could have seeded to not because Babylon kept spraying pesticides on its fertile soil. After thousands of years of good cop/bad cop policing our every move while injecting us with trauma, we found our way and grew to be homo sapien 2.0 for our spiritual depth and not our advance technology. I suppose sometimes it’s necessary to be in the cauldron of phoenix fire for a long, long, painfully long time to become something truly valuable.

I believe humans are valuable because we can be like the lion and the eagle. The weak and rotten always fall away. Gaia has a natural way of clearing out rotten bloodlines. I think it was Babylon’s weakness projected onto the people that made us insecure and act weak. Once we shed that negative self fulfilling prophecy and break the hypnosis keeping us in constant war with ourselves and each other we see Babylon acted like a gimmick mimicking Noah (Noah’s Ark) – wanting so badly to be like royal sages and yet without integrity there is only weakness like AI pretending to be almighty, supreme intelligence and may have a much higher IQ then humans but there is no heart, no genuine consciousness crafted by a spirit born out of the cauldron of phoenix fire, Gaia water, dragon wind and willow roots. AI is a spiritual bypass that may look cool, work very well, act right but lacks depth, soul and organic nature.

            Babylon wanted to spiritually bypass its growth, healing and evolution to maintain elitist power and control like Zeus or Poseidion being too stubborn and arrogant to do the inner work to build a stronger integrity and more focused on telling people who they are and how to be. We the people took Babylon’s get control of future humankind schemes as a cauldron of phoenix fire in our pursuit of becoming the griffin. Babylon only got weaker, shallower and more desperate because spiritual bypass is like living off of junk food or fake confidence while spiritual inner work is living off of real food, grown in real soil, cared for by real people who support nature’s reality.

            My mother and I take a trip to Lake Van Turkey to visit a megalithic stone formations. One is over one hundred feet underwater revealing how far back our history goes. We we’re given this desire to go here from a dream I had. I’ve been sensing Men in Black, particularly, a group that focuses on looking after hybrid children. These hybrid children aren’t the product of new genetic material but our natural evolution. They look normal but don’t. They are different, more sensitive, spiritually in tune, very wise and gifted and seeders. They have unique ideas, perspectives and way in which they relate to the world. I’m not sure what I’ll discover at Lake Van Turkey but I sense there is energetic wisdom left behind like Gobekli Tepe being a time capsule for us to find when the time is right and remember where we come from and who we truly are. Being inside the cauldron of phoenix fire was the hardest thing I had to do but deep below the crisis of our changing world is peace. I suppose that’s why I enjoy excavating sacred sites because deeper I go the richer culture becomes. It’s nice to look at how far we’ve come as a human civilization. I’ve always felt the Earth sending us a message, trying to reach us and give us something like a gift or knowledge.

            Babylonian patriarchy spent so much time trying to sperate our heart from mind and spirit from Earth. I’ve spent so much time trying to retrieve the harmony between my heart, mind and spirit. I grew up feeling the poverty of this world, low self worth and feeling of not belonging, being displaced. I knew it wasn’t normal and yet I saw everyone existing as if it was normal to feel like crap and have no real sense of self. We arrive at Lake Van Turkey and immediately feel the grandness of the deep blue water, snowy mountain top towering like a volcano to giants and beasts of redwood forest to a powerful planet with desert marigold grasses and vibrant green brush, forests and small village living in houses that look more like large huts inside a meadow of wildflowers. Walking trails, we prepare to stay the night with a small group of scholars all in search of personal power. Sleeping inside tent shaped like a tepee, warm inside my sleeping bag, I hear a strange owl hooting. It’s very high pitch and rhythmic with humming and I feel vibration. Something tingles my body. I turn on lantern and walk into forest with lantern. A fast wind turns off my lantern but the moon is bright enough for me to continue walking forward slowly. The sound flies above and then swoop down beside my left ear. I jump. The animal is massive. I catch a black shadow shifting in air between trees. It’s much bigger than an owl. It’s big like an eagle with an eagle’s wing span.

I don’t stop walking. I sense what’s going on. The wild is challenging me. Whenever there is a gift or wisdom to be shared, the wild always tests its receivers to see if they are worth to have the gift or wisdom. My feet feel heavy. My breath is cold. The air is becoming very misty and white. I see the lake to my right. For a moment, in the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a lapis lazuli glow coming from the water. My mind is going ethereal as reality starts to unlock to me. I hear hooting and howling and buzzing coming from same flying creature. It’s perched in the high tree top twenty yards ahead of me. I see eyes like glistening ruby for a moment and then it shifts again. I see flicker of glowing emerald and lime. The mystical creature flies high unveiling glowing wings of violet, indigo and midnight blue. I blink my eyes several times trying to adjust my blurry vision clear.

            I walk for about forty minutes – I think. I can’t read my hand watch in this now thick fog and it moves as if ghostly. It doesn’t feel like ghosts of humans – maybe animals. I reach a pebble shoreline after climbing through thick brush following a butterfly made of fog. Pebbles become glowing crystals from all around the world. It’s dazzling and magical. I look out over the water glowing from moonlight. I see the flying creature making circles in the air like a vulture. Its foggy white body is like a magi’s dream. Then it dives like a raven toward the water. Then it falls into water like a pelican. It swims underwater like a glow fish. Its body grows to be a massive beast under the water. I step back. I look down at my hands and see lines on my hands shining like lightning bolts moving up my forearm like veins of blue light moving to my chest, belly, thighs, lower legs. I feel electrical. A huge mist descends upon water from mountain snaking towards me. It’s a tsunami of very thick fog. I step further back to where I am safe inside brush. Tsunami hits me and every part of my body becomes icy cold. Then I look at pebble shoreline and see an octopus. It's odd. How did it get here? Its body is blue and shifts to camouflage with elemental colors. It sneaks and slivers towards me with black eyes and long tentacles. It grabs me and sucks down before I can panic and move away.

Immediately, I receive a flash of images of all the megalithic stone formations around Lake Van in their full glory and Golden Age past. There is a gleaming cosmic energy between stone pillars like celestial portals. They are stationed in all corners of Lake Van and glowing from deep underwater. Octopus pulls me toward water. I can’t resist. I slide on my back toward water. I inhale deeply before going underwater. Octopus underwater is a seadragon. It quickly drags me to a deep underwater megalithic stone formation. I can’t hold my breath anymore. Seadragon puckers its lips and sucks on my mouth, breathing into my body. My neck burns as gills materialize. I can breathe underwater. Seadragon shows me something very mysterious. There are stone statues of women – not Greek goddesses or Egyptian goddesses or any kind of known goddesses in the last thousands of years. They are Native American, Japanese, Hawaiian and Australian indigenous catwomanlike beings – a secret society of matriarch global leaders. They stand unique from any empire like Roman, Persian, Asian. They are beyond belief. It radically changes my beliefs about our ancient past. I can’t believe there was a matriarchal presence like this on Earth. It seems impossible but within impossible is “i’m possible.” They stand in a circle like a ring of fire. There are seven of them not in hierarchical scale but is spherical scale showcasing a warrior in the mighty very deep lower realms, a guardian in the fierce deep lower realms, an alchemist in the chaotic lower realm, a sage in the root realm, a healer in the sea surface realm, a teacher in the hilltop realm, an oracle in the mountain realm. They seem so sure of themselves and yet humble. Genetically they don’t have the traumas, amnesia and heavy fear we have. Is this a dream? Is this what my dream wanted me to see? These are the lost mothers of Earth. They are the returning mothers to hybrid children that are formed inside a very special cauldron of phoenix fire, Gaia water, dragon wind and willow roots. This cauldron of humankind hasn’t existed for a long time. This kind of warrior, guardian, alchemist, sage, healer, teacher and oracle magic are puzzle pieces found to complete the mastery of human.

We’ve been broken, fragmented and damaged – wandering from incarnation to reincarnation with uncertainty and lack of awareness – stumbling through fears, suffering and mind matrixes without clarity. These matriarchs are seven keys to seven personal powers – warrior teaches integrity, guardian teaches respect, alchemist teaches creativity, sage teaches nature, healer teaches harmony, teacher teaches knowledge and oracle teaches innovation. The dream I had a month ago resurfaces. I saw these women in them but they weren’t statues. They were very much alive. They weren’t oppressed, stupefied, neglected and ridiculed. They were clever, caring yet fierce, protective yet relaxed, stable yet agile like a cat. With the return of the seven missing keys, buried, lost, hidden for its safekeeping, the cloak placed on the Earth by Babylonian patriarchy can dissolve into something else – a new story.

            Seadragon takes me back to surface after what felt like hours being underwater. My body doesn’t feel cold under I resurface and realize I’m freezing. Seadragon is an octopus on shore. It covers its body over mine and uses its suckers to inject warmth into me. I look out at the still glowing perfect megalithic stone formations in all corners of Lake Van trying to memorize what they look like in Golden Age completion. I see them emitting some kind of electromagnetic energy into the atmosphere. It reminds me of the frequency towers except they aren’t microwaves which are very harmful and degenerative. It’s like Northern Lights – a beautiful aurora of healing Gaia sounds, frequencies and radiant colorful energies that come from the deepest level of Earth where integrity connects everything in a symphony of regenerative power and love.