Why I make Geomancy and yoni art?

 Welcome to my Art blog. My name is Rosewater. I enjoy abstract art making that includes geomancy and sacred geometry. Sacred geometry is a universal language that unveils the nature of all things. Geomancy is a tool to uncovering ancient knowledge well preserved by Earth. Nature is the root of all religions and belief systems. Nature is karma, the foundational law that governs all existence. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience and our consciousness shapes the reality, realm and journey we transition through. What spiritually grows materially shows. Consciousness is the key to unlocking the root of all religions and belief systems. Consciousness is mind mechanics that has unique evolutionary renaissance. Lower self, which is what humanity has mostly been experiencing for the last major cycle of planetary time on Earth gives us a weak connection to consciousness, meaning we cannot fully access evolutionary renaissance and use our mind for clearer, more refined and enlightened perspectives on reality. I am passionate about clearing away those disturbances like trauma, disconnections from worldly conditioning designed for separation paradigm, disharmonious to the Earth from tribal instinct being dismantled and dysfunctions from normalizing arrhythmic living. Sacred geometry is mathematical and spiritual. There is an organization to the universe and the spiritual essence beyond the physical world.

Our reality is a product of our mind. We enter a collective reality to use our evolutionary renaissance to alter and shift the collective reality through our powerful and fearless momentum of ancestral healing. Now is the time for planet Earth to shift humanity into a higher density called 5D. In order for this to happen, we must graduate to 4th dimension. The 4D is a space where we reparent, reimagine, reprogram, restructure, repattern, rehabilitate, restore the balance and renaissance ourselves through creative freedom into a human with a stronger connection to consciousness like Nikola Tesla did for humankind. The 3rd density is collapsing. Our collective subconscious is very junky and becoming toxic from our denatured state of being. A denatured state of being is when a person or people are existing out of rhythm with nature and the essence of who we are, meaning we have been so manipulated or traumatized or fragmented or conditioned to function in a worldly way instead of a naturally way to satisfy whatever agenda and we have distorted ourselves into becoming a human that is separate from its inner genius. Humankind must make a major quantum leap into the 5th density in order to survive on planet Earth. The next planetary cycle is crushing the 3rd dimension, completely destroying it for reformation. It's like a house being torn down by a recking ball. No one should be in that house when it's been demolished unless they want to be in danger.

The 3D is going through a major renovation and revolution that will destroy the patriarchal paradigm to create a new 3rd dimension. While this is happening humankind must be in the 5D and awakening and strengthen 5D realities that will emerge with 3D once the junk and falseness has been cleansed. The last 5,000 years have put humankind into a cycle that has been very imbalanced. It began with the derobing of women and the damage done to matriarchal way of being on Earth. This aggression, violence and suffering lowered the vibration of humankind and placed humanity in a coma like sleep where dreams are illusionary and there is no discernment to make sense of things. Humankind began to experience great amnesia and some groups of people took advantage of the collective unconscious living by deceiving humanity into surrendering its power to a person or group of people seeming more connected to God. It's time to come out of this junky sleep where we are confused and imbalanced and remember our pure consciousness. My art is inspired by the Great Awakening and the development of human consciousness that is evolving the mind mechanics for an evolutionary renaissance that is genius. The process from 3D dilemma full of ancestral pain and suffering into 4D healing into 5D expanded living requires great strength, determination and willpower. It isn't an easy journey but it's a journey we all agreed to take before we arrived on planet Earth. We came to challenge our human karma and recreate ourselves into a human karma that has the seeds to plant a future that is strong consciousness embodied and fully awakened.