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Why I make Geomancy and yoni art?

 Welcome to my Art blog. My name is Rosewater. I enjoy abstract art making that includes geomancy and sacred geometry. Sacred geometry is a universal language that unveils the nature of all things. Geomancy is a tool to uncovering ancient knowledge well preserved by Earth. Nature is the root of all religions and belief systems. Nature is karma, the foundational law that governs all existence. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience and our consciousness shapes the reality, realm and journey we transition through. What spiritually grows materially shows. Consciousness is the key to unlocking the root of all religions and belief systems. Consciousness is mind mechanics that has unique evolutionary renaissance. Lower self, which is what humanity has mostly been experiencing for the last major cycle of planetary time on Earth gives us a weak connection to consciousness, meaning we cannot fully access evolutionary renaissance and use our mind for clearer, more refined and enlig

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